The other day (since I sit in the middle of the office) I overheard one of my coworkers Michaela sharing a line from a stand-up comedian regarding the overuse of acro "LOL" -
Borrowing from the comedian, I will share with you:
"We all use LOL, but really, how often am I really laughing out loud? Shouldn't it be "LQTM...laughing quietly to myself?"
tot. From now on, I'll be lqtm-ing it up :)
lqtm :-)
HEy! Back when I was working a friend of mine and I did the same thing - we made up all sorts of acronyms for different things. Like - SOM - smile on face. You know, if something was funny, but not enough to laugh. Or.. . LLOL - little laugh out loud. Or Crack - which meant you were trying really hard not to LOL, but did a little bit anyway. We had our own little language.
funny. That is funny. I LOATH lol. Whenever I am Instant Messaging it drives me crazy. I finally end the conversation. Grrr.
haha i thought at first that LOATH was an acro for somthing. lqtm. hahaha
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