Friday, September 10, 2010

Update from Boston (from us both)

Hey Guys,

This is Briggie (and Emily) from Boston and I just felt like writing you all to say that things are great for Emily and myself here in Boston. Emily got the final word from HR today that she is hired to work for Enterprise in Boston. She was worried because they made her go through numerous interviews and the last one was intense, which left her questioning. As for me, I got accepted to the viola studio of Patrica MCarty. She was the teacher that I was told to study with while here otherwise my time here would be a waste (well that was the vibe I got from my previous teacher). Many of you know that sometimes it is not about the school but it is about the teacher. She has emailed me of what she wants me to play for her and I'm already practicing 3-5 hours a day to make sure that the first lesson goes well. What I find quite humorous is that in that the letter that my teacher emailed me to tell me that she would love to have me in her studio, she said that she also checked me out on YouTube (It was a concert I did playing the Trout Quintet with other teaching faculty from the Irvine Studio) and that she saw my website ( She seemed quite impressed and she said that I seem quite enterprising and that is a good quality to have in this profession. In addition to her searching me on google. Another student said that he had heard about me and searched me via google and commented on the YouTube videos. He said he did so to see how I play and he complimented my abilities.

So Emily and I want you all to visit if you can. There is a lovely park near here with a beautiful view of the city. The park has a fountain that kids can run through on a hot day. It is one of those kind of parks, beautiful. The first two nights we were here, we saw fireworks. They were gorgeous. Toward the edge of the park, there are docks, so if Ben wanted to go boating around the bay here, he would love it.

There is a great pizza place near here that has the same taste as Italy, trust me, I've been there. We took a tour of the city (part of my orientation week for school) and learned much about the city. We hope that when you guys come that you take the tour too, you will love it. It is known as the "Boston Duck Tours", It goes on land and on the water. I'm sure if you googled it, you could learn more. But it was just nice to learn about the historic artifacts of Boston.

We feel right at home. The ward welcomed us in nicely. We both bore our testimonies to introduce ourselves. I have been asked to give a musical number already, It'll be on Sunday for those wanting to come hear me, lol.

Our landlord is a police officer in the Boston Police Dept. We feel safe here. Although at times Emily tells me about her run-ins with the locals. In other words, she gets hit on by all the Hispanic and Black guys. Two days ago, while on the bus to her interview, a black fellow struck up a conversation about movies and how great the Celtics will be with the addition of Shaq...then he proceeded to ask her to the movies as she dismissed him with "I'm married, so no, and I'm from LA, so I'm a Laker fan." Then she got off the bus. But she missed the bus on the way home and walked to the nearest subway station about a mile away, and got honked at twice. The next day she was carrying two bags of groceries home (the grocery store is about a 10 minute walk from home) and an older Hispanic guy politely asked to help carry the load, then she said no, then he kept following her halfway down the block with pick up lines. Hence, from here on out Emily will be going grocery shopping in the daytime with me on Saturdays, as neither of us enjoy this neighborhood dynamic. Lol.

We just got the CD of our wedding pictures from our photographer Tegyn. We have posted the rest of the pictures to Brigham's Facebook account.
We are still waiting on the videographer to send us her creation, I checked with her today and it should be done in about a week.
Well that is about it from us in Boston. We will try to be good about writing emails in the future but don't rage on us if we are slacking.

Brigham and Emily Welch (Emily started contributing halfway through, hence the details about the locals - for the Jones fam, East Boston is to Boston as El Cajon is to San Diego...something we didn't know before-hand. Not that there is anything wrong with living in El Cajon Byron, lol)


Rachel Wattson said...

Ha,ha. Way to work it Em. I am so happy that Boston is treating you two well. I saw the video of you apt btw, WOW! That is alot of room for a first apt and there is so much character to the place.

Marly C said...

Sounds great there! I'm glad you got your preferred teacher, Brig. Em, I love that you told him that you are a Lakers fan. You are awesome:-)

Danna said...

You go girl! Nice touch with the line about being a Lakers fan...I'm sure that took the sting off for the poor guy :) haha, j/k BOSTON sounds awesome!