Although I understand some people may never understand, (as made clear when I was looking for a picture of the SD temple on the web...one had a sign in front of it "do not enter wrong way") I pretty much consider this place my most favorite in the whole entire world! I cannot remember a time that I have gone to the temple angry or upset about something, and not come home with a fresh perspective and more joy and happiness than I ever expected to be filled with, not to mention peace.
Today, while I went for a visit to clear my head, and do service, I was greeted with "good day to come- Elder and Sister Ballard are here." Apparently, when I went to go talk to one of my old pals (Linda Walker - to cancel my wedding date, which had not been done yet) in the office area that I used to work in, I had just missed the Apostle pass through the hallway and into the Temple President's office.
Surprisingly, I didn't really mind that I missed him. Well, I'm not going to lie, it would have been pretty cool to shake his hand or something, but it meant more to me today just to get what I came for. Which, happily, I did obtain.
While explaining the disappointing news to my friend Linda as she hopped on the computer, I simultaneously reflected on how much I have grown since I shared a desk with her before my mission in 2006 for 10 whole months, 5 nights a week. Oh- the anxiety I used to feel to acknowledge my self worth, make a good decision, or let something wrong go and just be content with things as they are. Things have sure changed since then. I fondly remember President Sorenson would occasionally pass by, stop and pat me on the shoulder, and say (like a grandfather- seeing right through my forced smiles) "Keep your chin up lil' lady, and a stiff upper lip", then he'd walk away to be kind to someone else. Sometimes, he would sit by me in the lunch room and tell me the types of things that only old wise men can really know, and I listened like there was no tomorrow! Not surprisingly, the one thing I miss the most about that time is just the opportunity to stare at some picture on the wall (during the endless hours of down time), and wonder what the painter might have imagined or was inspired by to paint what he/she did.
Anyway, I've officially decided that the temple was the first half of my mission, and Hawaii was the second half, for the record. Forget this coming home early business! Now it's time to discover the rest of my mission, which, I am pretty sure will include art, music, and writing, and teaching. I am glad I finally have time and energy and the means to pursue these things. Speaking of which, today I started singing a song I made up and it's frusterating because I cant think of the right words to it, but it's good...hmmmm

41 "And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it."
1 comment:
you should come over
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