Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On Marriage and Engagement

This year has been an interesting one with all of the ideas that are floating around about marriage, sexuality, and what it all entails. A political explosion, for sure. But to bring out the humor of it all, and to hit it home, I'd like to briefly summarize the general experience that Nate and I have encountered upon telling the 'world' that we are getting married:

Nates experience: "Why are you throwing your life away dude?" -random boot camp guys

Emily's experience: "Congrats! But damn you if you supported prop 8." -teachers in school this semester

Despite the fact that most of the guys telling Nate not to get married already have illigetimate children and or a live-in girlfriend, AND are about a decade younger than him, they still somehow take the liberty of chiming in for the sake of "watching out for one of the guys."

As pathetic as this sounds, it pales in comparison to the logic that underlies my experience at school this semester. Every other day I was called a bigot or racist by my teachers. I didn't take the energy to outline the basic features of how they are wrong at the time, but I kind of feel like it now. [Obviously, since we live in the crazy world that we do, I have to backtrack and restore a bit of foundational historical knowledge before proceeding to unfold my observations. My conclusion is that people just are interested in destroying marriage, under the political guise of fairness.]


-1950-ish: Traditional Marriage standard.
-LDS church and Christian America happy.

-50's and 60's: "it's Ok as long as you are making love, not war." Or "It's OK since we are in love- we'll get married if we get pregnant anyway. Love is all you need, not marriage."
-LDS members and Christian America shocked.

-70's and 80's: "what illigatimate children? We are women for independence- our children don't need a father. They have TV and drugs." Latch-key kids reign free.
-LDS members and Christian America shocked.

-80's and 90's: "Yes I am a man and I wear make up. Yes I am a woman and half dressed. It's called glam rock."
-LDS members and Christian America appalled, but numb and accepting, because POP music is, like, so catchy!

-90's: "We're all taking the no-fault divorce route. Marriage doesn't work." BTW, porn explodes on the internet and abroad.
-LDS members and Christian America mourning personal losses.

-2000's: "We're gay, and we see that marriage isn't working out for all you heterosexuals. Can you please give us a chance to try it too? (since we think it is such a great idea, especially after so many years of attacking it in the fight for sexual freedom)"
-LDS members and Christian America resistent.

-Present: "What the hell are you thinking getting married without ever having had sex with your future spouse? Don't you know that marriage sucks, it will drag you down? Why not just focus on your career.

By the way, I'll fight to the death to get gay people married, but you're an idiot."

-LDS members and Christina America defeated.

The only real analogy I can draw here to the deconstruction of the traditional marriage, is the simotanious deconstruction of Michael Jacksons face. What a tragedy, indeed, in the midst of so much promise. That's all I have to say!

On behalf of Nate and I, and our many conversations regarding this subject, I'd like to thank all of our friends, associates and family members who have supported us throughout this very big and daunting transition into marriage and engagement! We know we are doing the right thing, and are so happy to have found one another! God bless <3


Nate said...

We need to get back to the values that made life so swell in the 1950's. Who let the women out of the kitchen anyways?

Robert and Bethany said...

Ok you are only racist if you hate a nationality. Being Gay isn't like being African, Hispanic, or Asian. Being Gay is a lifestyle and you don't have to agree with it. They have no right to compare their lifestyle to nationalties. I don't have a problem with Gay people. I do support Prop 8 because I have a testimony of the Proclimation to the Family. I'm getting so fed up with their liberal communistic strategies. Ugh

Classic Jones said...

Good point Nate Fuller. It's a way better use of my time, education, and talents to devote my heart and soul to corporate america, since I am so undisposable to them anyway. What was I thinking?

Stacy said...

nate got SERVED!!!!!!!!! hahahaha.