favorite song: psalm by Jets to Brazil
favorite color: changes every year

favorite season: summer transitioning into fall
favorite ice cream: cookies and cream

favorite memory: modern dancing in my living room with my companion during my mission in our cottage, instead of making a weekly plan. favorite place: San Diego temple
favorite past time: watching the sailboats go by at the bay, while sunning myself like a beached whale

favorite sentence from a book: catcher in the rye...every other line.

favorite domestic task: renovating or decorating

favorite emotion: melancholy or joy, I like both
favorite talent: empathy/compassion for others
favorite art style: printmaking

favorite book: tuesdays with morrie
favorite fashion trend: bermuda shorts and extra long t-s, and that's NOT just because they're modest.

favorite genre: self help relationships
favorite movie: don't have one
favorite quality in women: classy, and kind

favorite quality in men: genuinely God-fearing
favorite quality in friends: loyalty, love and lightheartedness
favorite everyday thing to do: picking out my outfit, and checking my email. Those are the best!
1 comment:
Yay, I can comment! I love your favorite memory. I laughed out loud.
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