Thursday, January 22, 2009

Love and Proximity= an oxymoron?

Tonight my boyfriend and I had the classic "you sometimes have bad breath" talk, which is a sure sign that we've been together long enough to be comfortable being honest, but not long enough to be sure we are comfortable being loving -- or that I brush my teeth enough (even though I do it almost 3 times a day)?!!!

A reoccurring thought about love and proximity has been passing through my mind lately, particularly as I become progressively closer to my boyfriend Nathan. I have grown to believe through socialization that love and proximity is generally an oxymoron, but I am starting to realize that true love/true friendship is the exceptional and rare event which defies the rule. Think about it- how many people in your proximity do YOU feel COMPLETELY comfortable making mistakes in front of and fully believe and expect them to accept/apply patience/forgive even love you? Why are enduring relationships sometimes extremely difficult to maintain? Because proximity almost never equals unconditional love.

If you think about it, men and women generally spend a good portion of their lives striving to "impress" their friends, potential employers and those of the opposite sex. Eventually, the boy gets the girl of his dreams, or the woman ropes her man in with her dazzling beauty, or either of them become popular or successful in their social circles based on such commandeered "impressions." Then marriage happens, or some unfortunate trials come, and suddenly the definition of love changes drastically.

It is no longer attention and praise and popularity and material success or to be acknowledged by the masses that is desired or expected, but the tiny humble and entirely human glimmer of hope to be accepted and acknowledged for what is quietly imperfect or not "impressive" at all by the few.

I am perpetually amazed at how God can be completely honest with me, and yet so loving. How does He do it? I am sure I have offended, scared or overwhelmed some people by being either too honest or too loving. It's a fine balance. While I am typically not overwhelmed by the fact that He knows I am imperfect, when people own up to noticing my flaws, I am admittedly scared to death; Terrified, really...but perhaps that is due to real life personal experiences that support my theory. I should say, my PLETHORA of real life experiences, rather.

any thoughts?

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