There are not too many people that I have known for 20 years, but yesterday I got to get together with 2 friends that I have literally known since I was 5, Bart and Jen. Even though we are all very into our own life paths, it is good to see that we are all still generally the same people we were when we were in elementary school...only fully grown!!! But still friends~~~ I feel a little bit behind though since Jen is a Stanford grad and now working for a big Accounting firm in San Fransisco, and Bart is a multinational rep for Toyota, buying and selling steel for Tacoma production in both English and Japanese. And then there is Emily, still pluggin away. The funniest part of the conversation was when Bart and Jen started talking about how they should have developed skiing and golfing as "life skills" since, in this day in age, that is what it takes to get ahead in the corporate world. Yikes!! That conversation sure brought me back to all of my race, gender and class lectures in Sociology on how life is not fair for the underprivileged.
Sadly, Bart's parents will be moving away from Eucalyptus Hills in the next year or so, so it might be harder to see him in years to come...but then, there is always Facebook!
Sombreros!!! The Lakeside staple. Quick~ where's my lifted ford ranger!!?

I love getting together with old friends, I have a few of those left, that I've known since kindergarten. It's great, no matter how different your lives are there's a lasting bond. Life's not a competition, you do the best you can, and live your own life. Sometimes I feel behind, because I have yet to finish my degree, but I know that I will someday, and now just isn't my time! I was meant to marry and have kids when I did, I truly believe that, and I know that raising a family is one of the greatest things, but I also know that someday I will do something else with my life and be great as an individual, not just as a wife and mother. You're where your supposed to be, enjoy it!
It is so funny how we each are probebly doing what we are meant to do yet feel behind because we aren't doing what someone else is doing now...
Can you e-mail me? Our blog is private but I want to make sure that you can still read it.
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